Author Topic: Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame  (Read 5074 times)


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Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame
« on: December 01, 2009, 12:45:21 AM »
A song from Disney's Hunchback of Notre Dame called, "Out There."  I haven't seen the movie but came across the song in listening to a CD with my child.  It is an exchange between Quasimodo (the deformed bell-ringer) and Frollo (the archdeacon of the cathedral and Quasimodo's adoptive father).  I think it is very informative about the relationship between the ego (at this point identified with the personal Shadow) and the Demon (although the song goes on to find Quasimodo longing to break out of the imprisoning "care" of Frollo, and so perhaps beginning to have heroic impulses).

Out There
Vocals: Quasimodo (Tom Hulce) and Frollo (Tony Jay)
Music: Alan Menken
Lyrics: Stephen Schwartz


The world is cruel
The world is wicked
It's I alone whom you can trust in this whole city
I am your only friend
I who keep you, teach you, feed you, dress you
I who look upon you without fear
How can I protect you, boy, unless you
Always stay in here
Away in here
Remember what I taught you, Quasimodo
You are deformed

I am deformed

And you are ugly

And I am ugly

And these are crimes
For which the world
Shows little pity
You do not comprehend

You are my one defender

Out there they'll revile you
As a monster

I am a monster

Out there they will hate
And scorn and jeer

Only a monster

Why invite their calumny
And consternation?
Stay in here
Be faithful to me

I'm faithful

Grateful to me

I'm grateful

Do as I say
And stay
In here

I'll stay
In here

O gather up the brokenness
And bring it to me now . . .

Behold the gates of mercy
In arbitrary space
And none of us deserving
The cruelty or the grace

O solitude of longing
Where love has been confined
Come healing of the body
Come healing of the mind
  - Leonard Cohen, "Come Healing"

Let me be in the service of my Magic, and let my Magic be Good Medicine.  -- Dominique Christina