Author Topic: connective/separative  (Read 3257 times)


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  • Posts: 516
  • Gender: Male
« on: July 09, 2007, 04:16:18 PM »

In the development of consciousness, the ego seeks either to make an connection to that which it has separated from or it seeks to separate from that which it is unwillingly tied or connected with.  I suspect that the personality can take up a biased stance with respect to a connective vs separative mode.  The shadow likely represents one’s compensatory separative personality center while the anima/animus would be the compensatory connective other.

The connective effort attempts to take a separate part and make it part of the whole.  This could also be called a process of integration.  In the connective mode the whole is given a positive value while the part which one is attempting to integrate is given a negative value or its state of separation is given a negative value. 

The separative effort attempts to take a part out of a whole.  This could also be called a process of differentiation.    In the separative mode the whole is given a negative value while the part which one is attempting to differentiate is given a negative value or its state of connection is given a negative value.

Often the masculine is associated with the separative and the feminine with the connective.  However, individuals are always a combination of both