Understanding the Jungian Disease
Dream Work
Introduction; What Is a Dream?; Dream Work and Dream Interpretation; "Small" Dreams; "Big" Dreams; Spiritualistic and Parapsychological Interpretations in Jungian Dream Work;
Deconstructing and Reconstructing Individuation
Introduction; Wholeness and Selfhood;
Core Complex Theory
Preamble; Demon; Self; Syzygy; Shadow; Ego; Core Complex
Differentiating the Shadow in Jungian Theory
Introduction; Demon and Self; The Demon and Kalsched’s Self-Care System; Demon, Development, and Individuation; Evil and the Demonic; The Problem of the Demon Lover
Atheism, Jungianism, and the Jungian Problem of Religion
I don’t want to belong to any club that will accept people like me as a member . . .
Instinct as Psychological and Scientific Construct
Red Book Diary
Chapter 1; Chapter 2; Chapter 3; A Failed Individuation Journey?